3 Questions You May Want Answered Regarding Mold Testing

The discovery of mold in the home environment is something that no home or property owner welcomes. In addition to the potential costs involved in mold removal and any necessary renovations that may be needed afterward, the presence of mold can affect occupant health and lower the condition and value of the home. 

Periodic mold testing is one way in which home and property owners can help to protect both their property and the people who may live or work there. If you are unfamiliar with mold testing, the following information can help answer any questions you may have.

Can some types of mold growth be safely ignored? 

According to information published by the North Carolina State Extension and provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the answer is a firm no. In fact, these experts opine that no amount of mold, no matter what the type, should be allowed to continue growing in the home.  

This thinking is, in part, due to the fact that all types of mold can negatively affect health and may be even more of a health threat to someone who is already suffering from some type of pre-existing sensitivity. 

How is mold testing performed? 

While there are several available testing procedures for mold, the most commonly used ones include: 

  • bulk sampling (a portion of the wall or surface is removed and sent to a laboratory for testing)
  • tape sampling (tape is used to pick up possible mold spores and contain them for testing)
  • swab sampling (specially-designed swabs are used to collect samples for testing)

Of these three sampling types, only bulk sampling has the potential to be an invasive procedure. It should be noted, however, that when mold is found, there may be several layers involved in the affected wall, ceiling, or surface that will need to be removed or treated to kill mold spores and prevent further growth. 

How is mold spore testing performed?

Home and property owners may also want to consider mold spore testing to help them discover mold before the growth becomes more difficult to deal with. Mold spore testing can be done in a variety of ways including an indoor air quality test and tests performed on the air that is output by the structure's HVAC unit. 

To learn more about mold testing and get information to help you decide if your home or property would benefit from it, contact a mold testing and inspection service in your area. 

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